If you are a business owner, establishing business credit is vital because it can help you to get access to more funding options. In this post, we will go over what business credit is, why it’s important, and some simple ideas to help you establish business credit for your business.
1. Understand the Basics of Business Credit
Business credit is similar to personal credit, but it is designed specifically for businesses. It is based on the credit history of the business, as well as its payment history, credit utilization, and any outstanding debts or loans.
True, building business credit takes time, but it can make it easier to secure funding and other financial resources in the future.
2. Separate Personal and Business Finances
One of the critical things that you need to do in order to establish business credit is to separate your personal finances from your business finances.
This involves opening a separate business bank account, getting a business phone number, and registering the business with relevant government agencies. By doing so, you will be able to build a solid credit history for your business.
3. Work with Vendors and Lenders
Working with vendors and lenders who report payments to business credit bureaus is another effective way to establish business credit. Start with your existing suppliers or vendors and ask them if they report your payments to business credit bureaus or if they are willing to do so.
4. Monitor Your Credit Reports
Just like personal credit reports, you can check your business credit reports to ensure that they are free of errors or inaccuracies.
Monitoring your business credit report regularly can help you catch any issues before they become major problems. Make sure to review your report at least once a year to stay on top of your business credit score.
Wrapping It Up
Establishing business credit can take some time and effort, but it is an essential step towards building credibility and securing funding for your business.
However, even if your business credit isn’t great, there are alternatives at your disposal, such as revenue-based loans. To learn more about financing solutions, contact our experts at Gellyfish Commercial today!
Gellyfish: Certainty of Execution in Commercial Loans
At Gellyfish Commercial, we offer commercial financing solutions with the certainty of execution you need to take your business to the next level.
We are located in Riverside, and work with clients all over California and beyond. Contact us today by email (info@gellyfishcommercial.com), telephone (877-800-4493), social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), or through the live chat on our home page to schedule a free consultation.